

You will always go back to work
As long as the sun rises to wash the streets
From the deception/treason of the night and gather perfidies/treacheries
From between gravel/pebbles and debris/rubbish
Always you will walk among people absent-minded
Always with raised head
Deride of/ mocking/bent eyes and lips
That draws falseness/deceit on its corners
Every day - in the same alleys
You intone/sing or throwing greetings
You meet all those whom you know at once (they are all together) writing their songs/odes with their steps
Or hanging their dreams/aspirations/ on the walls
You reveal to them the secret of the day
And they do what is left
They depart until another rise [meaning sun rise and until they also rise themselves]
Preserving festivity between their fingers
On the walls there is the grease of affection
On the windows of the young maidens
Slips of apologising papers /slips of papers for apologies) and songs
And on your mouth there is a shining/radiant/smile
A desire to return home after work
But, before the sun rises again
Or they return from the horizon of martyrdom