
Postcards from the High Seas



Crioula [Creole girl or woman]! you will say to the guitar [‘violão’]

Of the night and to the guitar [here ‘viola’ – smaller guitar] of the dawn [or v.v. early morning]

That you are a/the bride [or engaged] and dark (-skinned)

with Lela in Rotterdam


You will never sell in/through the town

From door to door

The thirst of (for) sweet [ie. fresh?] water that swings around [ie. sloshes around]

In tin cans [lit. cans of ‘Flanders leaf’, which is a sort of coated steel – but basically tin cans!]





In the morning/s

It snowed on/over the temples [foreheads] of Europe

The lamp of my hand is a ship [but old-fashioned word]

Between the fjords of Norway


Since yesterday

It is raining on/across the prow

Steel that numbs/stupefies

And our bones [sound echoes ‘steel’] of abandon(ment)

gnome of silence without memory

Since yesterday

The ship (normal word now) is a/the landscape of a/the soul without a retina

And your name on/over the sea

sun + tree of juicy mouth





I’ve already sold [ie. in the past used to sell] kamoca [sort of maize flour] food [NB ‘food’ in English]

on the streets of New York


I’ve played ourin [strategy game related to Ghanaian ‘oware’] in the beams/girders

of the sky-scrapers being built


In a building in Belfast

There remained bones and skulls

Of contemporaries

The blood still retains/keeps [this ‘retine’ echoes the word ‘retina’ above]


in the nostrils of the telephones





Islander ears heard

The sun-drenched voice in the Olympic throat

Of a mortar [as in pestle, not as in military shell] in the streets of Finland


Then I saw patricians

dressed in togas

Speaking Creole

In the big/great audience chambers


Beyond the Pyrenees

there are blacks and blacks

In immigrated Germany

the countries of soup

are the blacks of Europe [soup/Europe is a rhyme]





Crioula [Creole girl/woman]! on Sunday afternoons/evenings

the sun on the bushes

You will say to the faces of good nature

And old cricket players

That the names

Of Djone







Palaba and Salibana

Are used [lit. ‘use themselves’]


white stamps on documents


passports and free passage [‘free transit’]


To/At the embassies’ door




Our mouths testify

that the ground the drama

Emigrate with us under our tongues

Bear witness to it [words following are the subjects of ‘bear’]

knees and elbows of dryness

of the colony of Cabiri





Along the paths of iron [railway lines]

I give and receive blows

From the neighbours in the government/management

over disputes of land

And norms of culture / cultural norms


In a night of madness

In the colony of Sacassenje

We divided the earth/land

between seeds/pips and trees in fruit

between blood and scars


And I remained foreseeing [ie. with foresight] on/at the border

Grasping/Gripping the lock of my door





Now the road

I watch being born [‘nasce’]: the spring / the Orient [‘nascente’] that is watching

The shade/shadow of the shoulder-blade over the world

Touching [playing?] the drum

with blood of Africa

with bones of Europe




Every evening my thumb returns

And says to the mouth of the river

From Addis Ababa I came and I drank

In the cataracts/waterfalls of Ruacaná