Three Poems by Najwan Darwish
Listen to three poems by Palestinian poet Najwan Darwish, read in Arabic by Najwan and in English by translator Atef Alshaer and UK poet Paul Batchelor.
Listen to three poems by Palestinian poet Najwan Darwish, read in Arabic by Najwan and in English by translator Atef Alshaer and UK poet Paul Batchelor.
For Black History Month, listen to two poems from the PTC Archive: ‘Taste’ by Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf and ‘He Tells Tales of Meroe’ by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi,
As part of the PTC Resistance Poets season looking at poets as political activists we bring you two poems by the Arabic poet Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan.
This week’s poem is ‘Siesta’ by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi from Sudan. The poem is read first in English translation by Sarah Maguire and then in Arabic by Saddiq himself.
Listen to ‘He Tells Tails of Meroe’ by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi translated by Sarah Maguire & Rashid El Sheik, from his collection to responding to the Petrie Museum Collection.
Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi is not a ‘political’ poet. He eschews the term. He is a lyric poet. His poetry gains a political charge simply because he writes affirming, joyful poetry that dictators find so troubling. Listen to the recital here.