
The Spring

The sky is full of spring signs
Lightning, flashing everywhere
Clouds, heavy with rain
Slow in their movements
Ready to give generous pour
The land is inundated
With rain water
Filling all the pits
And pools to the full
The flowers are blossoming
Giving different hues
And bunches of the same size
Shaken by the breeze
The trees from top to bottom
Falling into single lines
With their leafy branches
Touching one another
The birds on their part
Gathering in flocks
Singing in the same tune
while the frogs are left to themselves
In both times of the day
In the morn and the evening
The rain continues falling
The ripening dhafarur fruit
Totally covered all over
In crimson red colour
Having the midhcaanyo close by
The jinwo tree in full fruition
With its grown leaves
Covering it from bottom to top
Is ready for collection
The ostrich and the antelope
Basking in the beautiful wild game
Along with the gazelle
Keeping their own pace
Feeding on the blossoming
Trees with relish
Camels giving birth to young calves
Cows with drooping udders
Sheep and goats ready for milking
All the livestock
Never out of sight
Whichever side you look
Grazing near the hamlet
The herding youth
Clad in their white sheets
Taking comfort in the shade
Beguiling the time with quizzes
Enjoy their carefree chats
And the she camels
Gorad and Gobaad by name
Hearing the calves cry
And feeling the burden of their milk
Respond to the call of their calves
While evening is yet early
The herders take their right positions
To draw the eagerly waited milk
From the ready she camels
Into the thoroughly cleaned vessels
Filling them to the brim
In a community peacefully settled
Recounting this heavenly bliss
Lying in our land
Given in such abundance
Over-flowing on all sides
So pure and plenty
Thanks to the gracious God