

(To Jad)
You are the only one who believes that we have replanted the savannah which bulldozers ate up. We have blown away the trees of cement, and they flew like leaves in the winds. We then took a deep breath and blew again, concealing green intentions. So the land returned to what it was before the arrival of savage iron-clad creatures. Hand in hand, we carried on jumping like tigers under a limitless sky. 
The moon is a plate of silver encrusted with grass that only grows under perfect moonlight. This ancient silver is still valid for the Bedouins’ wedding. The grandmothers emptied their long pipes over the millstones and went to sleep early in order to see in their dreams their tiger-like grandchildren.     
It is better for them to believe, as in this way they knead the dream with the bread of sacrifice…O offspring of the old tiger, pass from this energy which grandmothers’ dreams have opened to your lost abode.