
the mule

put a silence over it,

stilled with poison, great
– Paul Celan, translated by Michael Hamburgermeasures the worth of her effort
and affirms by having
as measure the weight she carries
like a good mule she has no idea
who is riding her but
she is at their service
like every good mule
she halts by the edge of
the cliff not dying
is her vengeance
tongueless philomela
and mule
does not jump for hatred
nor for hope
(and in it there is a fundamental
also had her tongue
pulled out from lucrécia
mule and sleeping
they didn’t pull anything
out but blackmail
is also a gag
mule-talia also
slept when she was
it was maury and mule
who managed to
open their mouth
and by turning into a donkey
changed his own
name and of things
the new mule learned
german and vergewaltigung
ceases to be what it is
becomes some sound
said with the same
intonation as comet
fury alligator bird
match procession stone
the packed mule
almost mute at least
never been deaf
‘i can even hear the stones and their misfortune’
each one has what the mule says
in zarathustra
hilst’s mule
but the nightingale who sings
is the male nightingale.