有這樣一則廣告: 心房出租 地點適中 有意租賃者 請在十五的夜晚 向明月詢問 月亮圓了又缺 心房,下著霏霏細雨 租金昂貴不是原因 空間太小 容納不了幾樁往事 開門關門 總被酸甜苦辣堵住 以致一空 便空了多年 墻坍倒,瓦碎裂 心房,漸漸陳舊 裝修或重修 待來世再進行吧 2008年1月《新華文學》第68期
有這樣一則廣告: 心房出租 地點適中 有意租賃者 請在十五的夜晚 向明月詢問 月亮圓了又缺 心房,下著霏霏細雨 租金昂貴不是原因 空間太小 容納不了幾樁往事 開門關門 總被酸甜苦辣堵住 以致一空 便空了多年 墻坍倒,瓦碎裂 心房,漸漸陳舊 裝修或重修 待來世再進行吧 2008年1月《新華文學》第68期
Yang Lian is a Swiss-Chinese poet who has published fourteen collections of poems, two collections of prose and one selection of essays in Chinese. Among 14 books of poems in English translation are Yi, Narrative Poem and Anniversary Snow, (2011), which won the inaugural Sarah Maguire Prize for translation.
Brian Holton is a translator of modern and classical Chinese poetry and fiction, into both English and Scots who has won the Sarah Maguire Prize for his translation work on Anniversary Snow by Yang Lian. He is also a poet, singer, and songwriter.
Christina Ng is a Singaporean writer, journalist and translator based in Berlin. Working between English and Chinese, she has interpreted for film and theatre productions, as well as written and translated essays, interviews and features on art, travel, and culture. She received a research grant in 2021 from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and […]
Lew Poo Chan, better known by her pen name Dan Ying, is widely acclaimed in the international literary community as one of the world’s major Chinese woman poets. Born in Perak and educated in Malaysia, Taiwan and the USA, the Chinese language educator made Singapore her home in the ’70s. Over the decades, she has […]
Maggie Wang was raised in the United States and now studies at the University of Oxford. Her writing has appeared or will appear in Poetry Wales, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Bedtime Stories for the End of the World, and elsewhere. She is a 2021 Ledbury Emerging Poetry Critic and has edited for Singapore Unbound, the […]
你懷疑愛情是 貪婪的吃角子老虎 你重複同一動作 投幣投幣投幣投幣一千次 愛情重複同一反應 或不反應 一千次 愛情吞沒你全部 慾望的積蓄 那傳言中的完整月亮 從沒出現 一次都沒有