
Empty wine bottle...

Empty wine bottle –
Empty soul, sulky and sour.
Our headspaces are seized by deep sadness,
Can you be referred to as my friend? Can a full glass of wine raised 
Lift the mood darkened by you?
The world as empty as the bottle is crushing [my] flesh 
My soul is smoked like a cigarette. We cheer and raise our glasses.
They hit one another like our words in disaccord.
Between us sits quietly autumn, [indifferent like] a stepmother.
Don’t be so sullen, saw it off like a log. Life has nothing to do with it, it’s you who are late…
The wine is over. We have nothing else to say. Let’s get going.
With your stumbling walk passing through the door
My destiny was drifting away, rocking and reeling.*
*Phrase taġdyry šajk̦aldy [lit. one’s destiny is reeled’] in Kazakh means that one’e life is destroyed or harmed in a sense.