Translated by Rachel Long and Francisco Vilhena.
Adelaide Ivánova was born in Recife, Brazil in 1982. A poet, journalist, photographer, activist and performance artist, she
currently lives between Berlin and Cologne. She is the author of the collections 13 Nudes and o martelo (the hammer),
the latter awarded the 2018 Rio de Janeiro Literature Prize for Poetry. Adelaide’s work has been featured in several
anthologies, and has been translated into Galician, German, Greek, Italian and Spanish. She curates the anarcho-feminist
zine of queer and erotic poetry MAIS PORNÔ, PFVR! (MORE PORN, PLS!), and is a co-founder of the feminist collective
RESPEITA! (RESPECT!), a coalition of Brazilian female poets.
This is part of our new rebranded weekly release: the Dual Poetry Podcast, one poem in two languages from the Poetry Translation Centre. As ever we will be releasing a translated poem each week.
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