Post Scriptum Post Scriptum

Post Scriptum

Ingin aku tulis
sajak porno sehingga
kata mentah tidak diubah
jadi indah, pokoknya
tidak perlu kiasan lagi
misalnya payudara, jadi bukit,
tubuh wanita = alam bangat
senggama = pelukan yang paling akrab
yang sudah jelas
tulis sajak itu
antara menyingkap dan sembunyi
antara munafik dan jatidiri.

Post Scriptum

I want to write
an erotic poem
in which raw words, unadorned,
become beautiful
where metaphors are unnecessary
and breasts, for instance,
do not become hills
nor a woman’s body a sultry landscape
nor intercourse ‘the most intimate embrace’.
It’s quite clear
this poem is written in the space
between exposure and concealment
between hypocrisy and true feeling.
Coming soon!

Original Poem by

Toeti Heraty

Translated by

Ulrich Kratz with Carole Satyamurti Language


