
52 Fragments for the/my loved one/beloved/lover/ loved one/one who is loved

They belong to / are part of imagined sufferings
Or: They belong to / are part of the imaginings/imaginary/imagination/imagery/imagined world of suffering. 
That (which) makes (one/us/them/you) humble
Or: humbles (one/us/them/you)
Or: is humbling.
That (which) invokes/conjures the taste of words and ideas. Whence/hence this visceral connection/link/bond. Whence/hence this need to speak/talk, to tell/talk (of/about) oneself, to tell one’s stories, (to) spread out/unfold/unfurl/unroll into the other. She is not a/his kindred soul/spirit / soulmate. She is (made) of another manifesto / made of something else / a different species/type. For/because/since she unseals/loosens the unknown part of (her or his?) being and spreads it out in/before/into (the) broad daylight/ light of day, on/in a patch/flowerbed/bed/field of light, fashioned/sculpted/moulded by/from her skin.