
From '52 Fragments for the/my loved one/beloved/lover/ loved one/one who is loved'

Your word(s) (has/have) become/turned into the clay that sculpts silence.
Your words are now the clay that sculpts silence.
/Your words form the clay that sculpts silence.
/Your words turned (in)to clay sculpt silence.
I would like to be able to / I wish I could lay bare/uncover/reveal/unveil the coiling/twisting/curving
Or:  twists/curves/coils of your body so that I could/to (be able to)/and set fire to/alight your fragility. I want to make it my own. Thus mixing with the clay that grants/gives/makes your skin and (with) the detritus/rubble/debris/ruins of your blood. Thus/And so no place of exile will be left in you. Only the solar banks of these lips that still escape/elude interpretation.