
Mother’s Joy

Mother is filled with joy. The years have returned her children.
The seductive, unknown life of the city has stolen them.
Her laughter and her spirit flourish once again.
The desire awakens in her to host a mikuna pampa.
Her corn is more plentiful this year than ever.
It will be hard to harvest all the papakuna, ulloku, maswa, uqa.
There are grains in abundance, and the birds are satisfied.
Everything follows the rhythm of the Earth.
The tullpa fire is the altar of abundance.
The victuals will be as generous as the soul.
Our love shall expand to all.
From the depth of its wisdom grow new shoots.
The vitality of the ayllupa renewed in celebration.
The horns are playing sweet sounds.
Aqapas had the people sing its glorious songs of healing
and the stars rejoice.
Mother’s years are laughing and dancing forever
just like her blossoming at eighteen.
Her kuka becomes sweeter and more powerful.
She draws on her astral cigar and knows the sweetness of existence.