An overview of community feminisms in Latin America
By: Helen Dixon
Translation can help a positive mutual contagion of “dangerous” critical feminist politics and dissident sexualities reach beyond Latin America.
By: Helen Dixon
Translation can help a positive mutual contagion of “dangerous” critical feminist politics and dissident sexualities reach beyond Latin America.
By: Paula Galindez
Durante los últimos diez años, el lenguaje inclusivo de género se ha vuelto más utilizado en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, pero ahora ha sido prohibido.
By: Paula Galindez
Translator Paula Galindez discusses how gender-inclusive language had become widely used in Buenos Aires before being banned.
By: Tice Cin
Writer Tice Cin, author of ‘Keeping the House’ used to work at the Poetry Translation Centre. Here she reflects on the poems that inspired her from our archive.
By: Leo Boix,
La experiencia de la naturaleza, ha funcionado siempre en la obra de Diana Bellessi como metáfora de la escritura feminista, de la acción política de rebelión contra la violencia y injusticia.
By: Leo Boix,
The experience of nature has always been a constant preoccupation in Bellessi’s work. It functions as a metaphor for feminist writing and for the political action of rebellion against violence.
The Sarah Maguire Prize celebrates the best of modern poetry and showcases a range of different translation methodologies highlighting excellence in literary translation.
By: Serafina Vick,
Translator Serafina Vick ponders unexpected turns when a Poetry Translation Workshop get stumped by an innocent comma and surprised by the target of the satirical poem ‘Urban Ranch’.
By: Tom Boll,
Tom Boll introduce la obra de tres destacados poetas mexicanos, Coral Bracho, David Huerta y Víctor Terán.
By: Tom Boll,
Tom Boll introduces the work of the three distinguished Mexican poets, Coral Bracho, David Huerta and Victor Teran, each of whom ‘offers a distinctive version of what it means to live in Mexico today’.