
From 'i-juca piranha'

Piranha (etym. – biting fish) (n.) – PIRANHA,
compare prãîa (v.) (Lisbon, Hist.
of Anim. and Tr. of Maranhão. f. 173)
PIRANHA, sisoures, fish with very sharp
PIR-ANHA. Ichthyology: piranha, fish of the
family Characidae, genus Pygocentrus.
= pir-ãia. Noun (sharp-toothed fish,
by analogy) + scissors
i remember a teacher i once had
ticiana melo a french teacher
everyone loved her
many years ago this
when we were on a placement
me and mirna juliana
my placement partner
or maybe it was a different subject
before the placement
when we were about to
start teaching french
as a foreign language
to be certified to teach french
as a foreign language
– one of the aspects of my education
in letters that i have fortunately set aside –
i remember her saying that
the methods of teaching
a foreign language
bear traces of a certain historicity
and the audiolingual method for example
also known as
which was first developed
before the second world war
had been developed as
military technology
it also became known as
army specialized training program
based on behaviourist theories
and repetitions elaborated in laboratories
i remember her also saying
about the vietnam war
and how before it was ever used in a classroom
as a didactic tool
to improve or optimise
the learning process
of any given foreign language
it had been used
– this she explained –
to train american soldiers
so that they would learn
in the most efficient and efficacious manner
the language of those
they were about to kill
that year – 2019 actually
the year i began writing
this text – i began studying
tupi using navarro’s method
método moderno de tupi antigo
with a study group from ufc
convened in self-access mode
by professor suene honorato
alongside other interested parties